Toby Hector
Daisy Big Boy

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Toby Hector
Daisy Big Boy

C-L-A-W-S Joules

Joules with Violet

JOULES is about 12 years old and has brilliant green eyes – just like emeralds – hence her name !  She remained very timid.   We became concerned when she began to lose weight and decided she must go to the vet for a check-up.

She was kept in for the day so she could undergo a thorough examination.  She winced when her tummy was examined.  A "mass” was found, possibly enlarged lymph nodes, and tests revealed a very low B12 level (B12 is one of the man constituents of the blood.)

She was diagnosed with pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. When a cat's pancreas becomes inflamed, it allows digestive enzymes to escape, causing damage to both the pancreas and the nearby liver.

She was given antibiotics, a B12 injection and medication to help control the diarrohea and put on a bland diet. She would require a B12 injection every week until the B12 level had returned to normal.

She was put in the isolation unit as it was very important that she had only the correct food.  She was lonely and missing her friends Cassie and Violet so we decided to transfer Violet into the isolation unit to keep her company.

Slowly she responded to the treatment and the condition was brought under control.
The Golden Oldies Home and garden  was created in 2014 and when a vacancy occurred we transferred Joules and Violet there, even if they weren’t golden oldies !   Over the years they became affectionately known as the Chalet Girls.

When she lost Violet, her friend of 10 years, Joules was very sad and lonely. But she continued to run around the enclosure and eat her food and it wasn’t long before she was following Beverley around and allowing her to stroke her. Soon she allowed 2 other volunteers to pet her.
One morning she slipped out of the golden oldies pen and set off to explore the garden.    We have even seen her running up the garden with a mouse in her mouth squeaking happily.   Her highest number of mice caught in one day so far is 5 !!  Fortunately she has a "soft” mouth and Beverley is able to remove them from her mouth alive and restore them to their home in the bushes opposite the cottage.

As she grew in confidence she approached the cottage and even ventured inside where she met Toby .   He gave her a cursory sniff and went about his business  .The door of one of the sheds had been left open – she ventured in, spotted a cosy rug, curled up on it and went to sleep.    We have now had a cat flap fitted and she sleeps there every night.

In the summer of 2023  she lost Violet, her friend of 10 years, which left Joules on her own.. She loved all the extra cuddles and attention

One day the wind blew open the gate of the enclosure and out shot Joules. She took off like a rocket , running around the pony field to the amusement of the horses. Beverley was not too worried because animals nearly always come back to a food source. During the rest of the day she explored the hay barn, the stables then back into Beverley’s garden and chatted with all of the other cats

Then at 5.00 o’clock sharp there she was, sitting at the kitchen door waiting for her food.!! After a few days of sleeping in the chalet and running around outside she decided to live in one of the sheds. This shed held all of the extra cat beds so Joules had the choice of beds, one for every day of the week. So that she would not get shut in a cat flap was installed in the door.

This change of scenery lasted about a week, then she was off again looking for that perfect spot. Nosiness got the better of her in the end and she came through the cat flap in the house. 

Lady Joules has settled into a large igloo by the radiator in the sitting room and is now one the Bear Cottage gang.

Coming Events

Saturday 30 Nov 24
Cox Green Christmas Fair
12noon - 3.00pm

Cat Lovers Animal Welfare Society
Registered Charity 1062244
PO Box 1646, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3TL
Telephone 01189 341699