In 2010 a stray cat was picked up in Windsor by CP and taken to Knowl Hill Cattery where they kept cats awaiting adoption.
Sylvia went there to choose a cat for her mother, Doris, who suffered with dementia. She lived in Maidenhead with her brother, Tom, and sister, Jane, who were her full time carers.
Sadly both died within a few weeks of each other so Doris had to be transferred to a care home which meant GEORGIE, as they had named, was all alone. Nancy, an acquaintance, offered to come in and feed him twice a day and make sure he was OK.
This was not a satisfactory state of affairs and, in any event, the family home had to be sold to fund Doris’s care.
Nancy offered to adopt him and Sylvia accepted gratefully not realising that Nancy had two large dogs.
These proved too much for Georgie who voted with his paws and ran away He turned up a few weeks later in a supporter’s garden who rang CLAWS and asked us to take him in which we did.
In the meantime Nancy contacted CLAWS explaining she had adopted Georgie and saying she would like him back. We got in touch providing her with our e-mail address and telephone number but we did not hear from her again. We understand that her partner was very ill so assumed that was the reason.
Georgie is a very youthful 13 year old, a beautiful tabby and white boy. He is friendly and loves a cuddle. One day Beverley decided to scan him to see if he was microchipped. Nothing on the nape of his neck but she continued to scan down his back and round his shoulders and there , where his left front leg joined his body was a microchip number.
This enabled us to trace his original, owner, Sylvia, and as nothing had been heard from Nancy, and the legal length of time (7 days) had elapsed he was transferred to CLAWS.
He settled in with the minimum of fuss enjoying the fresh air and the freedom of the new enclosure and the company of the other cats.
When he went for his booster a couple of years ago he was diagnosed with a heart murmur which has slowly becomes worse. He doesn’t know he’s got a heart murmur and carries on regardless.