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Welcome to CLAWS
We hope you find this site interesting and informative

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For the last few months  CLAWS has had to close its doors to new intakes due to being completely full

Please realise when we say full, we mean full.  Do not call us to ask to take cats in as it breaks our hearts to refuse.  Abusing and swearing at the volunteer who takes the call will get you nowhere except a dead line.  When we have rehomed enough animals and can open up again, it will be on our web site. Thank you

CLAWS has a new phone number.

07516 753743


On 10 June it  becomes mandatory for all cats of 20 weeks or more to be microchipped and their details registered with the appropriate microchip company.

Failure to do this may end in heartache when your pet disappears  and cannot be traced and a fine of £500.

Don’t delay make an appointment with your vet today to have your pet microchipped


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Update your cat's microchip details for FREE

Our CATS (Cats and Their Stats) Report 2022 found that around 600,000 cats have microchip details that are not up to date!  To encourage cat owners to update their cat's microchip details and increase the chances of a happy reunion if they become lost, pet protection company identibase is hosting 'identiday' on Monday 20 March 2023

On this date, owners whose cats are registered with, the identibase database will be able to update their contact details free of charge.

To update your details, visit www.identibase.co.uk If you are not sure which database holds your pet's details, you can enter  your cat's microchip
number on the identibase website to find out.

Acknowledgements to : 

                                          THE CAT MAGAZINE SPRING EDITION


Cat Lovers Animal Welfare Society
Registered Charity 1062244
PO Box 1646, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3TL
Telephone 07516 753743
Email info@c-l-a-w-s.org.uk