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C-L-A-W-S Tilly

Tilly  Tilly

The phone rang.    It was a gentleman who lived in Taplow asking for help in trapping and re-homing a little black cat that had taken up residence in his garden.   He had been referred to CLAWS by his neighbours who had been helped by CLAWS a number of years ago.

Beverley took it back to the sanctuary and put it in a pen with a cosy bed, litter tray, food and water and left it to settle in.   

She had hardly got back indoors when the phone rang.   It was the gentleman who had helped rescue the cat to see how she was.

It is a tiny little tot with a glossy black coat overlaid with a sheen of copper.    We are sure she is a little  girl hardly about a year old.  We don't think she’s a feral but yet another  abandoned domestic.

We have called her TILLY.   At first she stayed in her bedroom but was soon sitting on the shelf at the  front of the pen watching the other cats as they came up to meet the new arrival.  

She soon joined the other cats running around, rolling on her back.   She even gave Monty a bang on the head when he got in her way.

We are sure that with time and patience and lots of love she will make a lovely pet.

Cat Lovers Animal Welfare Society
Registered Charity 1062244
PO Box 1646, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3TL
Telephone 07516 753743
Email info@c-l-a-w-s.org.uk