Toby Hector
Daisy Big Boy

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Toby Hector
Daisy Big Boy

C-L-A-W-S Memory Lane - GREGORY'S TAIL

Gregory’s Tail

The house seemed so empty after we lost our dear cat, that I started looking around for another cat on the net. I looked and looked, but could not make up my mind! By chance I found C.L.A.W.S. and looked at the pictures of available cats, and when I saw Gregory (Milou), eureka!! I had found him! I was so excited and impatient, I phoned straight away and was told the lady dealing with adoptions was away but she would be back soon.

Anyway, finally I made contact and a lady came to inspect the house. We passed this test and were ready to go!  Bev gave us her address and we arranged to visit the next Sunday morning, if I remember? Bev asked us if we knew Binfield Road, and of course we did as we are locals. Of course, we did not think that "our” Binfield Road was not the same as Bev’s Binfield Road. So we got lost and had to put in a frantic call to Bev, no satnav then! The upshot was that Bev came to Bracknell to guide us to CLAWS. I am sure she was busy enough without having to deal with a couple of imbeciles and I did feel guilty, but at the last minute did not want to lose the cat I had set my heart on!

I was so worried that Beverley might find us unsuitable because we did not expect to take the cat until we were vetted, and Gregory had to have a last check-up for this that and the other!

I had taken the precaution of taking some cat mint from my garden, fortunately as it turned out. We were taken to the compound and were very impressed by the space the cats had, and the beautiful surroundings. We were introduced to Gregory and, as I approached him and tried to stroke him, he hissed at me! Beverley was so worried and said ‘Oh no Gregory!’  I then put the cat mint under his nose and put my head on his tummy! He just turned over and let me. We clicked there and then and I knew we were friends for life, yes, I fell in love or rather we fell in love with him and could not wait to be given the go ahead to collect him. I said as much to Beverley and she said  ‘Oh but you can have him today!’ I could not believe it and explained that we had not brought a cat basket with us! Never mind said Beverley I can let you borrow one. I was so pleased. Off we went with me and Gregory me in the back seat, worrying because I knew it was a big shock to him being transported by strangers! I spoke all the way back home in French some sweet endearments such as; do not worry, you have a good home to go to, I’ll look after you etc, he seemed to understand………..

We put him in his room full of toys and tray and the first he thing he did was to hide under the bed. I kept on going in and on my knees and talking to him and worrying of course hoping he would get used to us in time. He was very clean and used his tray and one thing he did not lose was his appetite! So far so good. He wanted to get out desperately and I bought a harness with a long retractable lead and took him for walks in the garden. He got to know the whole house gradually but still very nervous! He certainly knew about the cat flap when he was set free.

We have had him now for 2 years or so, and he is still the king of the house. He has his routine, he gets fed in the morning (early because he miaows and wakes me up or my husband opens his cat flap and he is off in the garden. He comes in every so often to say hello or to have a snack. When we get back from shopping, he recognises the noise of the car engine and miaows by the gate. He gets fed ("quick please and make it snappy!”), then he is off again. If it is wet outside he installs himself on my husband’s chair (ie, his chair) and has a Dodo (sleepy-byes in French). Out again in fine weather. 

Late evening, in the dark, I call him and that is when the pantomime starts! He will not come in, in spite of me shaking his croquettes! I go out with the torch and he is at the top of the garden and as soon as I get near him, he jumps over in the next door’s garden! Finally, he comes in at his own time, goes off to his chair to watch TV for a bit and then to sleep, when I can be with him and speak to him endearments in French such as: l’amour de ma vie! Mon petit Milouni! etc… He goes on his tummy and gets lots of kisses and caresses and do you know when we first had him, he could not really purr, just a little brr noise?! But now he purrs away and can’t get enough cuddles. Often in the middle of the night he jumps on my bed and we have more cuddles till we both go to sleep.  We would not be without our Milou (beau). Thank you CLAWS for a wonderful present!!

Coming Events

Saturday 30 Nov 24
Cox Green Christmas Fair
12noon - 3.00pm

Cat Lovers Animal Welfare Society
Registered Charity 1062244
PO Box 1646, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3TL
Telephone 01189 341699